Chakra Balancing with Essential Oils

This workshop is for those interested in experiencing the art and science of the healing energy found in nature. Plants possess a loving, healing essence that is available to us all. Essential oils carry a vital life force within them that creates union of heart, mind, body and soul.

You will receive instruction and handouts on how to use essential oils to balance the energy centers in the body, known as chakras, and best of all – you will receive and give a chakra balancing session – so bring a partner! Each participant will also receive an essential oil Chakra Balancing Kit containing the 7 oils used in class. What a fantastic way to spend a hot summer day, pamper yourself and someone you love!

Saturday January 25, 2025   11:00am – 3:00pm   Class Fee $65

This workshop includes instruction, handouts, 7 essential oil kit made with high quality doTerra Oils, practice time.

Gift Certificates Available

Register Here  
(registration opens January 1, 2025)

Disclaimer to keep me from getting into trouble with the FDA (because who needs that?):

The information provided in this workshop is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, provide medical advice or is in any way a replacement for medical care. You are solely responsible for making any and all decisions related to your wellbeing and health care needs. If you have any condition for which treatment is needed, please contact your most competent and appropriate “professional healthcare practitioner.”


“I took this class with an understanding of chakras already, but I had never used oils in working with them before. All I can say is wow! It added a whole new element I didn’t even realize I was missing. I have since used Brenda’s balancing method on myself, my clients and even my children. It’s a beautiful addition to our well-being and I recommend it to everyone, from beginners to advanced.” — K. Alexander

“I feel very blessed to have found Brenda several years ago, and I have been honored to be a student of hers. She takes time to answer questions her students have during the class, and after the class has ended. Brenda has such a genuine, warm and welcoming energy that makes her a wonderful teacher. In the past, I have worked with essential oils and chakra healing on their own, but never together. The result was a wonderful experience that left me feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. I have since used this technique on family members who have had the same results. I can’t tell you how much I truly enjoyed this class and learning from Brenda.” — K. Rose

“Brenda’s chakra balance/essential oils class is one of the most educational and enjoyable classes I’ve ever experienced on my journey of learning about essential oils.. I highly recommend giving you and your loved ones these few hours to immerse yourself in the blessings of the connection of oils for our physical and emotional wellness. Brenda’s loving presentation is exhilarating! Namaste’ “ — Debra Medcalf