Every marriage starts out as a blank canvas and every day is a splash of color. The blank canvas represents, your wedding day, and a new beginning in your two lives. The paint colors signify the experiences that lie ahead. Each color a moment to be had; colors of joys and sorrows, of blessings and of heartaches. The colors are milestones – celebrations, trials and tribulations, passions and dreams. They are the moments that become the days that become the years.
As you pour paint down the front of your canvas to symbolize the creating of a life together, hold in your hearts all that this ceremony represents.
The painted canvas represents your life … your life’s art. It will be exactly what the two of you make it. There will be places on the canvas when the colors blend and mix, flowing together, creating a new color of experiences shared. There will be places when the colors stay separate and stand out alone and independent… yet, still a compliment to the bold color by it’s side. And there may be places of contrast. Parts of the canvas that look dark or messy and not at all to your liking. While another spot remains blank and bare.
However, when you step back and look at the canvas in it’s entirety, you will see that it clearly is “An Original Masterpiece” unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Each color, contrast, shadow, and blend is as unique and beautiful as your life together shall be. May it always be a reminder of the life you are creating on this, your wedding day.