While this ceremony references only “Bride & Groom”, at Sacred Celebrations, we support marriage equality and look forward to creating new wedding language with the LBGTQ+ community
Opening Words
Love is the energy that holds the universe together. Friends … family … we are gathered here today to celebrate love, love in all its forms, and especially the love that makes a commitment between two people. This kind of love is not afraid to make promises. It is not afraid to work – it is not afraid to struggle. It seeks not only to be, but also, to continue. It is based not only on the pleasures of the present but also on the hopes of the future. This is the kind of love that creates a harbor between two people; one that they can float away from and then find their way back to safely. It also anchors a home and a family and along with other such great loves creates the bonds of a community. We celebrate and applaud the love and promises of “Insert Couple’s Names”. May they always be a living hope for the future and for us all.
Hand-fasting Ceremony
“Insert Couple’s Names” you have chosen to be wed by a Handfasting ceremony, from which the expression “tying the knot” was derived. Found in a myriad of cultures including the Mexican Lasso Ceremony, Hindu marriage knot, Thailand string ceremony, Chinese red string of fate, Tibetan hand wrapping and American hand blessing, this Celtic Handfasting was traditionally the only ceremony used in Britain, Ireland, and Scotland until the mid-1700’s. At that time, there were few clergy, and often they had to travel far and wide to serve the needs of the people, and because of their modes of transportation, were often away for weeks and months at a time. As such, few unions were sanctified in a church, rather the ceremony was performed in a place made sacred by the commitment of the betrothed, such as the great hall of the family Clan, a village square, a meadow of wildflowers, or a grove of trees.
These unions were celebrated by a simple hand fasting ceremony in which the couple joined their hands together in a figure 8 – the sign of infinity, a visual symbol that their love and commitment was as vast as the Universe and would transcend time. With only a few witnesses, they exchanged vows and declared themselves to be united, signified by the binding together of their hands and the sealing of their union with a kiss, the chords remaining forever knotted.
Then Bride, in the full power and embodiment of the Divine Feminine, with the magic and mystery within you, I’d like you to take the lead by creating a sacred circle around him. In this circling of Groom, you also are at once performing the ancient rite of warding off the evil eye thereby taking responsibility for protecting your relationship and symbolizing the circle of love that you will create together.
(Bride repeats after Celebrant: I circle you to give you a place of belonging. Within my circle you are mine. In this space of choice, I open myself fully to you,)
Groom, in the full power and embodiment of the divine masculine, with the magic and mystery within you, I’d like you to take the lead by creating a sacred circle around this space. In this circling of Bride, you also are at once performing the ancient rite of warding off the evil eye thereby taking responsibility for protecting your relationship and symbolizing the circle of love that you will create together.
(Groom repeats after Celebrant: I circle you to give you a place of belonging. Within my circle you are mine. In this space of choice, I open myself fully to you.)
Groom and Bride, when you became engaged, you promised to nurture, be in, and enjoy this extraordinary relationship, one that is fulfilling and transformative for each of you, one that creates a third body between you that is positively witnessed by others.
Today you have come together to take that promise to another level, another milestone. Today is the day you formally solidify your sacred union in the presence of family and friends. I bid you to please face each other. Center yourselves, look into one another’s eyes and place your left hand on each other’s heart. And so we begin.
Invoking the Elements
“We ask the spirits of Air to keep open the lines of communication between this couple. May their future be as bright as the dawn on the horizon. As Air flows freely to and from and through us all, may their hearts and minds and souls come to know the world and each other in this manner. Seeing not only with their eyes, may they together grow wise with wisdom.”
“Spirits of Fire, we ask that “Insert Couple’s Names”’s passion for each other and for life itself remain ever strong and vital, fortifying each day with a vibrancy rooted in boldness, and courage. As Fire clears the way for new growth, may they know that this power is theirs: to create change and bring about the richness and quality that comes with a true love of life.”
“We ask the Spirits of Water, that their love for each other and the comfort of loved ones, like the serenity of the deep blue ocean, be the oasis that forever surrounds “Insert Couple’s Names”. May they be well loved, and love well, letting the surety with which Water makes its journey to the sea, flowing over rocks or around trees, even turning into vapor and riding a cloud, ever serve as a reminder that with love all is well and will endure.”
“Spirits of Earth, we ask that you give unto those you see standing before you this day, the rock solid place to stand and fulfill his destiny. May their journey mirror the vast planes and fertile fields, expansive and alive. May they find the right seeds to sow to ensure a bountiful harvest. And when they look up at the Northern Star, may they know that it is as bright and constant as their love for each other as well as the love of the divine is for them.”
“Father, Mother, Divine Spirit whose presence is felt in all things and at all times we ask your continued blessings upon this couple, upon their union and upon their family and friends who have gathered here to celebrate this joyous event with them. May they become one in truth and forever revel in the magic that is love.”
“Insert Couple’s Names”, you shall now say the words that will take you across a threshold of life, and things will never quite be the same between you. For after this, you shall say to the world, this- is my husband, this- is my wife.”
Declaration of Intent
Groom, Do you come to this day in choice, with an open heart, ready to begin the journey of pledging your love, devotion, loyalty trust and partnership to this woman? Will you have Bride to be your wedded wife, your constant friend, partner in life, and true love? Do you promise to love her without reservation, honor and respect her, protect her from harm, comfort her in times of distress, and to grow with her in mind and spirit? If so, please say I do.
Bride, Do you come to this day in choice, with an open heart, forsaking all others and ready to begin the journey of pledging your love, devotion, honesty, trust and partnership to this man? Will you have Groom to be your wedded husband, constant friend, partner in life, and true love? Do you promise to love him without reservation, honor and respect him, protect him from harm, comfort him in times of distress, and to grow with him in mind and spirit? If so, please say I do.
Exchange of Vows & Rings
It is no accident that the symbol of marriage is the ring: the circle that never ends, includes everything, and encircles the finger whose vessel is connected directly to the heart. All things turn in circles. The Earth spins and circles the Sun. Time as seen in the four seasons, turns in circles of birth, death, and rebirth yet again. And, like all things, marriages move in cycles and circles as well. Sometimes the fires will burn brightly, and sometimes they will die down and then spring up again in bright flames. Sometimes love is warm as the summer sun, and sometimes it becomes winter cold with troubles and disruption. By taking on the symbol of the circle, you make a promise to remember always that all things come around; to keep faith in spring while enduring winter, to never lose hope that the ashes will flame again, and that your love will be renewed. Your wedding ring, visible and worn openly with pride will say to the world that someone loves you enough to make a promise to share a life.
Groom, as you look into Bride’s eyes, please repeat after me:
Into my heart … I Groom take you Bride … to be my wedded wife …At the rising of the moon … And the setting of the stars. … To love and to honor …Through all that may come. … Through all our lives together … May we be reborn …May we remember … And love again, ….
As you place this ring upon her finger, please say:
Take this ring as a token of my love … your finger to encircle … just as our lives … our hearts and souls … are forever encircled … with each other … and with the unseen worlds … that you may never forget it … taking comfort from its presence … knowing that I love you.
Bride, as you look into Groom’s eyes, please repeat after me:
Into my heart … I Bride take you Groom … to be my wedded husband …At the rising of the moon … And the setting of the stars. … To love and to honor …Through all that may come. … Through all our lives together … May we be reborn …May we remember … And love again ….
As you place this ring upon his finger, please say:
Take this ring as a token of my love … your finger to encircle … just as our lives … our hearts and souls … are forever encircled … with each other … and with the unseen worlds … that you may never forget it … taking comfort from its presence … knowing that I love you.
“Insert Couple’s Names”, know that since the red string of fate has at last brought you together, you have formed sacred bonds. As you enter into this marriage you are responsible for practicing the commitments upon which you have agreed for they give meaning to this ceremony and purpose to your lives. With full awareness, know that you are declaring your intent to be hand-fasted to the Source of All That Is. The promises made today and the ties that are bound here will greatly strengthen your union as they cross the years and lives of your soul’s growth, as individuals and as life partners.
I will be asking you a series of questions. Please respond to these questions as you wish. As each question is answered, I will place on your hands a cord, which will be bound together after all has been spoken between you.
Friends and Family are an integral part of our lives, and you who are gathered here today to witness their union are those who are closest to this couple, who know them best, who support them, and who love them and who will share all of life’s joys and sorrows with them. Yes, you are an integral part of their lives, as they are of yours. As such, “Insert Couple’s Names” request that you also make a pledge in this ceremony. I will be asking them a series of questions. After “Insert Couple’s Names” have responded, I will then ask a question of you, their family of friends. If you are willing and able, please respond to your questions with “I will”.
“Insert Couple’s Names”, please join hands so they will form the eternity symbol, visually demonstrating that your love will always be present and will run between the two of you throughout the years. Remember then as your hands are fasted, these are not the ties that constrain, but are rather cords that signify the weaving of two lives into one.
Groom, Bride – Will you honor, appreciate and respect one another, sharing in each other’s hopes and dreams?
To Witnesses: Will you who are gathered here to witness this union offer guidance and encouragement to this couple as they strive to make their dreams a reality?
And so the binding is made.
Bride, Groom – Will you support and assist each other in times of pain and sorrow?
To Witnesses: Will you who are gathered here to witness this union offer your comfort to this couple when sorrows or misfortune befalls them?
And so the binding is made.
Groom, Bride - Will you be fully present in the difficult and challenging times so that together you will grow strong in this union?
To Witnesses: Will you who have gathered here to witness the union of this couple respect that this is their relationship and pledge to share your wisdom and guidance in ways that do not interfere, but rather offer support and comfort when needed?
And so the binding is made.
Bride, Groom – Will you share each other’s laughter and joy, look for the brightness and fun in life, strive to see, evoke and appreciate the positive in each other?
To Witnesses: Will you who are gathered here to witness this union share in this couple’s joy and laughter, celebrating with them life’s pleasure?
And so the binding is made.
Groom, Bride - Is it your intention to bring peace and harmony into your every day ways of communicating and living with one another?
To Witnesses: Will you who have gathered here to witness this union also pledge, as to champion this marriage with the light of truth and warmth of love, reminding them that love is the way through which all disagreements can be resolved?
And so the binding is made.
Bride, Groom – And when you falter, will you have the courage and commitment to remember these promises and take a step back towards one another with an open heart and willing spirit?
To Witnesses: Will you who have gathered here to witness this union defend this couple and their love to the ends of the earth, with words and deeds, letting no lie go unchallenged?
And so the binding is made.
Tie the Knot
Now you are bound one to the other with a tie not easy to break. In the silence of these next moments, take the time of binding before the final declaration is made to learn what you need to know to grow in wisdom and in love, that your marriage will be strong, that your love will last – In this life and beyond.
Blessing of the Hands
These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love, that hold yours on your wedding day.
These are the hands that will work alongside yours as you build your future together. These are the hands that will passionately love and care for you throughout the years.
These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief torments your mind, your body, your soul, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other.
These are the hands that will give you strength when you struggle,
and will give you support and encouragement to chase down your dreams.
These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children, and help keep your family together as one.
These are the hands that will, countless times, wipe the tears from your eyes – tears of sorrow, and tears of joy.
And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled with age, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch—- a touch from these hands.
May these hands be forever blessed. And so it is.
“Insert Couple’s Names”, the knots of this binding are not formed by these chords, but rather by your vows. You hold this union in your own hands. May they always be bound together. Above you are the Sun, Moon and Stars and below you is the Earth, and Water, Fire is within your hearts and souls. Like the celestial ones, your love is now a constant source of light, like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow, like the water, a deepening source of flowing movement, warmed by the fire of your passion.
No one but you can declare yourselves united. You have begun it here today in speaking your vows to one another, in the presence of your family of friends, and you will do it again in the days and years to come, standing by each other, sharing all the sweet and the bitter of life. Each tender act, each loving word, will be the declaration of what was made here today.
It is indeed my honor to pronounce you Husband and Wife. (Husband & Husband; Wife & Wife; Beloveds … )
You may seal your bond with a kiss.