

A wedding, one of life’s most treasured beginnings, needs a special ceremony, one that will create many cherished memories to carry in your heart for a lifetime. True celebrants of love, we are honored to work with you to create a ceremony that celebrates your love, a love that is as unique and special as the two of you.

If life has meaning to us at all, it is because of love. It is love that holds the universe together, and love that enriches our lives. It is the foundation for peace of family, peace of all people of the earth. The greatest gift bestowed upon people is the gift of love. Love is a living thing, waiting within each one of us for an awakening touch. A marriage ceremony represents one of life’s greatest commitments and is the ultimate declaration of love.

There are many things to say about marriage, much wisdom concerning the joining together of two people has come our way through all paths of belief, and from many cultures. The choice of a mate, a life partner, is a momentous one in human life, one that affects and alters every aspect of the future of both individuals. In your ceremony, we will celebrate your love come to life.

Love is a miraculous gift, and a wedding is a celebration of that miracle for the journey that is marriage is indeed a risk and should not be undertaken without considerable thought and great courage. Romance is play, but true love is intention, and it is your intending to love for life that needs a special, one-of-a-kind celebration.

We personally write all our ceremonies and to create more personalized experience, we ask clients to complete a questionnaire. Your answers to questions such as “what does marriage mean to you”, why do you want to be married to this person”, “what do you love most about each other” and “what are your hopes and dreams for your marriage” are used to help give us some sense of your personalities and wishes for how the ceremony will proceed. Often you will hear your own words echoed back to you in the ceremony itself.

Sacred Celebrations believes that love belongs to everyone and specializes in spiritual, non-religious, themed, and secular ceremonies, with a favorite being the Celtic Handfasting Ceremony.

It is such a delightful privilege to officiate any ceremony, and uniting couples seeking a more unique and personally designed Sacred Celebration is what we do best. Let’s begin planning yours soon.